Friday, August 29, 2008

New Scale Chart & Fixation of Revised Pay

Specimen Fixation :
Illustration 1 :
Fixation of initial pay in the revised pay structure
Existing Scale of Pay Rs.4000-100-6000
Pay Band applicable PB-1 Rs.5200-20200
Existing basic pay as on 1.1.2006 Rs.4800
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 Rs. 8928 (Rounded off to Rs.8930)
Pay in the Pay Band PB-2 Rs.8930
Stage in the Pay Band after including benefit of bunching, if admissibleRs.8930
Grade Pay attached to the scaleRs.2400
Revised basic pay – total of pay in the pay band and grade pay Rs.11330

Illustration 2 :
Fixation of initial pay in the revised pay structure of medical officers
Existing Scale of PayRs.10000-15200
Pay Band applicablePB-3 Rs.15600-39100
Existing basic pay as on 1.1.2006Rs.10000
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86Rs.18600
Existing Non Practising Allowance (NPA)Rs.2500+Rs.1250
DA on NPARs.900
Pay in the Pay Band PB-3Rs.18600+Rs.900=Rs.19500
Stage in the Pay Band after including benefit of bunching, if admissibleRs.19500
Grade Pay attached to the scaleRs.6600
Revised basic pay – total of pay in the pay band and grade pay Rs.26100
Revised NPA Rs.6525

Illustration 3
Stage 1 : Initial fixation of Group D employee in -1S
Existing Scale of Pay Rs.2500-55-2660-60-3200
Pay Band applicable -1S Rs.4440-7440
Existing basic pay as on 1.1.2006 Rs.2840
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 Rs.5282 (Rounded off to Rs.5290)
Pay in the Pay Band Rs.5290
Stage in the Pay Band after including benefit of bunching, if admissibleRs.5290
Grade Pay attached to the scaleRs.1300
Revised basic pay – total of pay in the pay band and grade pay Rs.6590
Stage 2 : Fixation of Group D employee possessing requisite qualification or after retraining
1. Existing Scale of Pay Rs.2500-55-2660-60-3200
2. Pay Band applicable PB-1 Rs.5200-20200
3. Existing basic pay as on 1.1.2006 Rs.2840
4. Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 Rs.5282 (Rounded off to Rs.5290)
5. Pay in the Pay Band PB-1 Rs.5290
6. Stage in the Pay Band after including benefit of bunching, if admissibleRs.5530
7. Grade Pay attached to the scaleRs.1800
8. Revised basic pay – total of pay in the pay band and grade pay Rs.7330

Illustration 4 :
Pay fixation in cases where posts have been upgraded
1. Existing Scale of Pay Rs.6500-200-10500(Corresponding Grade Pay Rs.4200)
2. Pay Band applicable PB-2 Rs.9300-34800
3. Upgraded to the Scale of Pay Rs.7500-250-12000(Corresponding Grade Pay Rs.4800)
4. Existing basic pay as on 1.1.2006 Rs.7300
5. Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 Rs. 13578 (Rounded off to Rs.13580)
6. Pay in the Pay Band PB-2 Rs.13580
7. Stage in the Pay Band after including benefit of bunching, if admissibleRs.13580
8. Grade Pay attached to the scale of Rs.7500-250-12000Rs.4800
9. Revised basic pay – total of pay in the pay band and grade pay Rs.18380

Illustration 5 :
Pay fixation on grant of increment in the revised pay structure
1. Pay in the PB-2 Rs.9300
2. Grade Pay Rs.4200
3. Total of pay + grade pay Rs.13500
4. Rate of increment 3% of row 3
5. Amount of increment Rs.405 rounded off to Rs.410
6. Pay in the pay band after increment Rs.9300 + 410
7. Pay after incrementRs.9710
8. Grade pay applicableRs.4200

New Scale Chart :

Dear Friends here are latest news.. but still wait for final approval.As per Rashtriya Sahara Magazine Committee Secretaries recommended the partial modification of Pay Commission report but the other contents such as formula for Pay Band, Grade Pay, HRA, TPT, remain unchanged. Committee created only two modification as (a) the total number of Grades reduced to 15 spread across 10 distinct running pay band (b) Annual Increment for all group to be paid in form of four percent of the total pay in the pay band and the corresponding grade pay. The revised rates of Six Pay Commission would be effective from 1st July 2007. For Military/Para Military/Security Services, Committee recommended 15 percent special Pay.

Existing Pay Scale Proposed by COS Total Pay
S-1 2550-55-2660-60-3200 PB-1 5500-16500 2500 8000
S-2 2610-60-3150-65-3540 PB-1 5500-16500 2500 8000
S-2A 2610-3300-70-4000 PB-1 5500-16500 2500 8000
S-3 2650-65-3300-70-4000 PB-1 5500-16500 2500 8000
S-4 2750-70-3800-75-4400 PB-1 5500-16500 2500 8000
S-5 3050-75-3950-80-4590 PB-2 6500-19500 3000 9500
S-6 3200-85-4900 PB-2 6500-19500 3250 9750
S-7 4000-100-6000 PB-3 7500-22500 4000 11500
S-8 4500-125-7000 PB-3 7500-22500 4000 11500
S-9 5000-150-8000 PB-4 9500-28500 6000 15500
S-10 5500-175-9000 PB-4 9500-28500 6000 15500
S-11 6500-200-6900 PB-5 9500-28500 6000 15500
S-12 6500-200-10500 PB-5 9500-28500 6000 15500
S-13 7450-225-11500 PB-5 10500-32500 6000 6500
S-14 7500-250-12000 PB-5 10500-32500 6000 16500
S-15 8000-275-13500 PB-6 15000-45000 7000 22000
S-16 9000 PB-6 15000-45000 7000 22000
S-17 9000-275-9550 PB-6 15000-45000 7000 22000
S-18 10325-325-10975 PB-7 16000-48000 8000 24000
S-19 10000-325-15200 PB-7 16000-48000 8000 24000
S-20 10650-325-15050 PB-7 16000-48000 8000 24000
S-21 12000-375-16500 PB-8 17000-51000 9000 26000
S-22 12250-375-16500 PB-8 17000-51000 9000 26000
S-23 14000-375-18000 PB-8 17000-51000 9000 26000
S-24 14300-400-18300 PB-9 18000-54000 10000 28000
S-25 15100-400-18300 PB-9 18000-54000 10000 28000
S-26 16400-450-20000 PB-9 18000-54000 11000 29000
S-27 16400-450-20900 PB-9 18000-54000 11000 29000
S-28 14300-450-22400 PB-10 40000-60000 12000 52000
S-29 18400-500-22400 PB-10 40000-60000 12000 52000
S-30 22400-525-24500 PB-10 40000-60000 13000 53000
S-31 22400-600-26000 PB-10 40000-60000 15000 55000
S-32 24050-650-26000 PB-10 40000-60000 18000 58000
S-33 26000 80000S-34 30000 90000
By SKumar.

Fixation :
Hi All,
It seems people have misconception about the fitment benefit... blogger himself seems confused about the same.In article 1.2.3 CPC describes the Fitment Benefit as under -Fitment benefit 1.2.3 The efforts of the Commission have been to devise asuitable pay package which will not only provide enoughincentive to retain the brightest officers but also attract the bestto join it in future. The quantum of fitment has been decided,accordingly. At the time of Fifth Central Pay Commission,fitment of 20% of the pre-revised basic pay was recommended.This was subsequently raised by the Government to 40%. TheCommission is recommending a new structure of running paybands and grade pay. In the structure, grade pay has beennormally taken at 40% of the maximum of the pre-revised payscale. Grade pay is, therefore, in the nature of fitment benefit.The pay in the running pay band, as on 1/1/2006, has beencomputed by adding the basic pay and dearness allowance atthe rate of 74% that would have been payable on the existingFifth CPC pay scales w.e.f. 1/1/2006 had merger of dearnessallowance equal to 50% of the basic pay not been allowed from1/4/2004.At another place again CPC says -Rates of grade pay have been generallycomputed at the rate of forty percent of the maximum of thecorresponding pre-revised pay scale which is rounded off to thenext multiple of hundred.As per blogger if we are going to get multiplier of 1.86 then The fitment had to be (Basic + DP)*24%.Which is incorrect as CPC clearly mentioned that fitment benefit is being computed at the rate of 40% of the maximum of thecorresponding pre-revised pay scale which is rounded off to thenext multiple of hundred. So in no case it can be (Basic + DP)*24%.It seems blogger has not read the important parts of the report.Another thing which is not clear is regarding DA, CPC clearly mentions in article 4.1.18 as follows -4.1.18 The corollary to this merger should necessarily have beena revision in the existing reference base of price index of 306.33.The new reference base, therefore, should have been the 12monthly average index when the index increased by 50 percent.The reference base index would have, therefore, been higher than306.33, given the uptrend in price levels, which would translate toa lower DA rate compared to the extant rates. Logically, therefore,conversion of dearness allowance as dearness pay shouldinvariably be accompanied with simultaneous revision of thebase index. This conversion, however, is not necessary in therevised structure being recommended where increments arepayable as a percentage of the pay in the pay band and grade paythereon and provision has been made for all allowances/benefitsto be revised periodically linked to the increase in the priceindex. The Commission is, therefore, not recommending mergerof dearness allowance with basic pay at any stage.Then how the recommended calculators using da rates which are to be computed and declared accordingly?I think everybody is just guessing the things.So please please please.... don't play with feelings or emotions of the Govt employees and please dont try to create hypes among all of them.Before writing any thing on such blogs, Please, first, make sure its correct to the extents of the information. Because whatever you are writing is going to be read by millions of people all over the world.

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